Parchhaiyan is a drama and thriller serial that was aired on Sahara TV at nine pm every week from Monday to Thursday. The show was directed by Ravi Rai and Rajendra Mehra. It featured approximately half-hour episodes and was one of the racier shows of its time. The show was one of the earlier attempts by Sahara TV to move the direction of Indian serials from the common soaps that cluttered the channels. The serial starred actors Achint Kaur and Milind Gunaji in the main lead.
In the serial, Miling Gunaji plays Abhay. Abhay is a successful young business and has done well for himself in life. One day, he meets a beautiful and gutsy woman called Archana (Achint Kaur). The two instantly become good friends and a bond of attraction is created between the two. Abhay offers her a job, and Archana agrees and takes a job at his company. Her workaholic tendencies make the company grow exponentially. Abhay has a lot of admiration for Archana, but unbeknownst to him she is in love with him. She tries her best and succeeds to an extent in taking over Abhay’s life. Later, Abhay finds out that Archana has a shady and terrifying past, and does his best to try and escape from her.
Sahara One