Kisi Ki Nazarr Na Lage aired on DD national in 2008 and is the story of a Bengali joint family that showcases three generations of family members. The story revolves around, Rudraprasad Banerjee, The head of the family who lost his wife to childbirth after giving birth to his only daughter and last child. He also has three sons. The eldest son is Rajshekar. He is married with two children.
But, his wife dies in a mysterious car accident, and her body is not found. Rajshekar then marries Vanshika, who is the governess to his children. Vanshika only obliged to the marriage because of the elder’ wishes, but she falls in love with Anirudh, The youngest brother of Rajshekar. Relationships and drama continue to unfold in the Banerjee household. The producer of the show is Raja Mukherjee, the brother of actress Rani Mukherjee.