Raju Raja Rajasaab was a Hindi TV serial that aired on the channel Sahara TV. It is a very old serialand was popular back in the year 2000. It had premiered on 29th March2000; however, it is no longer aired. The show was a comedy and satire on the behaviour of erstwhile kings in a modern – day democracy. Lawrence D’Souza and Manohar Pandey had directed this serial and Rajendra Mehra had directed it. The plot revolved around a former royal patriarch named, Rajasaab. He still dreams of his riches and kingdom even though his lavish lifestyle has drained their family’s wealth.
Late Farouque Sheikh played this character. Raja’s sister, Ratna, is a tough cop and an IPS officer. She beat up goons and her character was played by Vaishnavi Mahant. There were other characters who added depth to the story. Raja’s daughter was a tech – savvy young woman who spent her day surfing the internet. Raja was alsoattracted to her Hindi tutor. His brother – in – law was a typical politician who kept on changing his political parties. The serial was a family entertainer and was greatly enjoyed by the viewers.