Kahan Gaye Woh Log” is an Indian TV serial, first aired on Doordarshan’s DD Network in the year 1985. The show revolves around the theme of Patriotism and tells the story of men fighting for their national freedom. The plot plays out in a manner which portrays the struggles of unique individuals in their fight for their nation's freedom. The title itself, translated into English means ‘Where did they go?' This serial started the 'Golden Era' of Patriotic TV Serials. Directed by Dheeraj Kumar, the show has only one season comprising of 13 episodes in total and it showcased some of the stories of legendary freedom fighters of India. Men who stood up against the British tyranny and gave up their lives fighting for a cause greater than themselves -Freedom.
The show retells the stories of the patriots such as Bahadur Shah Zafar, Maulvi Mohammad Baqar,Maulana Hasrat Mohani, Maulana Mohammad Ali Johar Desh Bandhu Gupta and Lala Lajpat Raito name a few. Each of the 13 episodes deal with an individual story from a very personal point of view of the protagonists. Some of the prominent cast members were Dheeraj Kumar, Sachin Kumar ,Manoj Kumar and Rajendra Gupta. Each and every episode tells the story of each one of these patriots and how their actions and courage in the face of insurmountable odds changed the fate of a country. They sacrificed everything for the sake of freedom and became martyrs in the process.
The show is a drama and re-enactment of various different events and incidents that defined the lives of these men, and how such men were truly some of the greatest sons of the country.
The story also revolves around how at every step of the way, the challenges they faced from both from the British and also their fellow countrymen and how they overcame and tackled those times by their will power and love for their country. Each episode has a run time of around 28 minutes, and through these stories, an insight of what their aspirations and dreams were in the back drop of "British Raj" can be seen. Through the series, one gets to know, as time passed with major incidents taking place on a national level, how these men led their lives and were never afraid of stepping up or raising their voice for a United and Free India. The series launched in 29th December 1985 and went on for 13 episodes.