Gulbano is a show based on the genre soap opera. The show was premiered on DD National. This show depicts the story of a girl who struggles to reach her goals. She aspires to be a sportswoman. She represents India at various platforms and makes her country feel proud. She rose above all the restrictions posed on her, to reach her objectives. She rose above all the social norms of society and works hard to prove herself. The show witnessed several actors who are pioneers at their work.
The show includes Nirmal Pandey, Sujata Kumari, Vinita Malik, Rupali Ahuja, Benjamin Gilani, Vinod Kapoor, Sunita Karambelkar, Sujata Thaper, Falguni, etc. The story was written by Raheem Sayed and Pramod Kapoor. The dialogues are written by Farooq Barelvi and screenplay by Vibhanshu Vaibhav. The singers of the show are Javed Ali and Anwar Hussain and the music direction is by Anwar Hussain. The credits also go to the cameraman of the show, Ajay Chauhan. The series is produced by Pramod Kapoor, Arun K Mishra and Rajendra Lalchand Thaper. It is co-produced by Ajay Kumar Bajpayi, Virendra Bhushan and directed by Sanjay Savitri.
Back in the 1990s, it was difficult for women to acquire sports as their career option. Though female participation and popularity in sports increased dramatically in the last decade, it reflects changes in modern societies that emphasize gender parity. Gulbano also confronted various obstacles to surge above all the norms of the society such as lower pay, fewer media coverage, and different injuries compared to her male counterparts. Many of her female athlete friends were forced to drop out or diverted to get engaged in peaceful protests and social media campaigns.
It is a show full of entertainment and is bound to keep you gripped to your seats till the end of the episode. Families can build on their strengths by working together with a holistic approach. To form a society where both men and women given equal parity and not to be judged based on gender. The show had an incredible outreach to its audience and gained popularity among its viewers. This show helped to change the life of many girls. It encouraged them to realize their self-worth and understand their potential