Shubh Mangal Savadhan is an Indian television show which aired on Sahara Manoranjan Channel. This show aired in the year 2000 on Sahara One and a replay can now be caught on Sahara Manoranjan. It is a comedy show which posts light hearted comedy which is a good watch for family audiences. Shubh Mangal Savadhan revolves around the lives of 5 people who are all trying to get married and find love in their lives. The main characters include Dilip (played by Dilip Joshi).
He is shown as a very good man who is adored by everyone but he himself loves Mili(played by Hritu). Even she loves him back but she is not ready to get married yet whereas Dilip is in a hurry to get married which causes a lot of confusion in their lives. The other main characters are Vinay Vanarveda(played by Sumit Raghavan) who loves Julie (played by Sucheta Khanna) and the story is pretty similar here also as both of them are indulged into their careers and things get complicated when they think of marriage.
The third and most tragic character is of Andy (played by Amit Mistry). He is the nephew of the boss of the company where Dilip and Vinay work. He was married to Khushi who left him after marriage and also left him for broke. He is now in search of a girl but doesn’t want to get married. All these stories intertwine and lead to a hilarious explosion of comedy.