Daaman the dramatic series, set in the Muslim backdrop, is an Indian television drama series that was aired on Sahara TV which is now known as Sahara One in year 2001. The series was written by Mujeeb Khan and directed by Salim Arif. In 2002, the series won the award for 'Best Location Sound' at the RAPA Awards.The Theme music composer for this serial was Murad Siddiqi.
The cast in this TV series includes Shyam Bhanushali, Beena Banerjee, S M Zaheer, Lubna Salim, Himani Shivpuri as Fakhrunissa, Aamir Bashir, and Waquer Sheikh.The serial was produced by Adib Contractor. The show used to telecast on Thursdays at 8.30 pm on Sahara TV and was one more addition in the television daily soap. The story of the serial was about the changing times and values of the Muslim backdrop. After giving birth to a son and a daughter, the first wife of Businessman Shahnawaz dies. He gets married to Ayesha the second wife of Shahnawaz, who takes care of him and later five children very proficiently. She becomes more protective about her step children. The serial has a conceivable relationship that has woven in a Muslim backdrop. The spark of the serial was Himani Shivpuri, who had played the role of Fakhrunissa.